Sowing Under -standing

Jesus’ parables often leave me wondering ??? but in the case of the Parable of the Sower found in Matthew 13, Jesus actually explains what it means, hallelujah! He tells of four different environments where seed is sown, one on the path where birds eat the seeds. The second the rocky ground where the seed grows quickly but its roots are not deep so the sun scorches the plant. The third environment is full of thorns and chokes the seeds and the fourth environment is one of “good soil” where the seeds grow and produces lots of grain.

Jesus then explains that each environment represents the characteristics of those who hear the word of the Kingdom. The first represents a lack of understanding on the people’s part so the seeds are snatched before they can even grow. The second environment are those who receive it immediately with joy, but have no firm foundation and when that word challenges them, (or that they might have to actually change their ways) they abandon that which they so quickly received with joy. The third environment of thorns is one who hears about the kingdom but are so steeped in the wealth and the demands of this world it prevents them from hearing. The fourth environment of good soil are those who hear the word, understand it and bear fruit.

I wonder what is required to create that fourth environment, one which bears not simply a pretty plant but grain, food to feed others.

My drawing is a panel literally depicting these four environments. The seed that attempts to grow unsuccessfully three times until the fourth. I wonder what is required to create that fourth environment, one which bears not simply a pretty plant but grain, food to feed others. Perhaps the answer is in the other environments, in that it tells us what we should get rid of: faith that does not take the time to translate itself to others so that they understand and isn’t willing to accommodate the needs of its listeners, faith that offers easy answers but requires no commitment or change of behaviour, and faith that worships wealth and consumerism rather than justice and mercy. How will you create an environment in your communities to sows seeds of understanding that bear fruit to feed the many?


Clothed in Christ