Godflinger n.

Someone who flings or plants the seeds of God’s hope through their words and actions. They do this with no expectation or alterior motive that those who hear must believe, or act in a specific way. Essentially the opposite of a “Bible Thumper.”


Welcome to Godfinger art and ministry, where you are invited to explore, wonder and engage faith and the bible through art. Whether you are a person of faith or you like interesting and pretty pictures, welcome and I hope you enjoy the images. You can find the complete archive of all my original art along with explanations in the Drawing the Word Blog, which I updated regularly with new posts and drawings.

Why Drawing the Word?

There is a long tradition within Christianity and other religions of depicting and sharing its faith through art. If you have ever been in a Christian church you will likely see stained glass images showing key characters and images from the Bible. Islam has a rich and beautiful history of using the words of the Quran as art within their mosques. I have always been inspired and drawn to the beauty found within churches, temples and mosques. My work carries on this tradition of sacred inspired art.

A Theology of Art

If there are any constants in my life, it is art and my faith. I was always the child that had the box of 64 crayons - and still do as an adult. Creating art is a deeply spiritual and theological practice for me. For art to be art it requires a relationship, it requires another person to view the art. Just as the God I believe in is deeply relational, three distinct persons yet one, drawing the scriptures invites me into a relationship with the Bible and God in a new way.

Discover for Yourself

My images are an invitation for you to enter into the world of scripture, to imagine what it might have been like to witness the ministry of Jesus or to write a psalm. My goal is to translate theological concepts into images that make you wonder, question and maybe inspired to learn more. I also hope whether or not you have any artistic inclinations you try to create your own images. Try it not to make something “good” but to remember that when we create, we reflect the Imago Dei (Image of God), recalling the relationship with The One who “knitted us in the womb.” (Psalm 139)

A look at how a piece of art comes to be.

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